
かざぶくろ (TOPページヘ)

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Kimberly is a sweet, sweet handed girl that is. Beautiful body, great looking ass and I must say she really knows how to use those triceps. Great handjob from a very sexy girl. She was so good I really wanted to put my cock in her mouth or even her sexy ass. I ended up dropping my load on her tits, maybe next time I will fuck her.

Mila is a very attractive teen model with bay soft hands. She pays alot of attention to technique and really knows how to please a man. This one is deffinately a girl I will have back for more stroking action.

Wow when I saw the tits on this model I had thoughts that did not include a handjob, but a handjob is what I was shooting so that was that. I dressed her hands in many different styles of gloves. She really knows how to slap the meat, I will never forget Alexia Knight.

Comes from Russia with love. She just got back from L.A shooting some pro stuff and was kind enough to lend us a " Hand " She has natural red hair and her arm is strong from working in a garment shop as a child laborer in her homeland Russia ! She worked my baby arm like a girl with a mission. A mission to let everyone know that Russian girls are the best cucumber pullers in the free world ! I want to share with everyone how these beauties work there hand talent on my cock ! Join Up and see what I am talking about!

Anyways, she dropped by the office and one look at this chick gave me wood. So I kicked Chucky out of the jerk off chair and took his place! This girl can really jerk a cock off! I have no idea on how many cocks she jerked off, but she really mastered the art!

Well seems that Bob broke up with Angel and got himself a new girlfriend! I guess freaks hangout together. Anyways, this girl Julia has a great ass and she actually shot HerfirstGangBang. I tought the her handjob technique would be so-so but I was pleasently suprised. She really pays attention to details and thats an A in my book!

最近 ハンドジョブの方にも ハマリ気味(笑)・・・ゴム手サイトって 多いのですねぇ・・・・(笑)
  1. 2005/07/10(日) 05:16:28|
  2. Boots アルバム Ⅲ|
  3. トラックバック:0|
  4. コメント:2
<<ダム | ホーム | こんな感じ????>>



今週末に 少しだけ 撮る予定ですが・・・・どうなりますやら(笑)・・・・どたキャンがない事を お祈りしつつ(笑)・・・ではまたいずれ
  1. 2005/07/10(日) 16:15:48 |
  2. URL |
  3. 放棄 #BejLOGbQ
  4. [ 編集]

  1. 2005/07/10(日) 14:06:32 |
  2. URL |
  3. 水玉道化師 #-
  4. [ 編集]






  • Author:坂角野ゆかり(♂)
  • このブログは 未成年者にふさわしくない内容、および広告を含んでいます。18才未満の方、および 高校生の方の 閲覧は お断り致します。

    初めまして 当ページの  副支配人の著作権放棄と申します・・・・

    風袋(かざぶくろ)は 放棄の作品を 皆様に ご覧いただく為に開きました・・・・・・・・

    このページは 靴 特に 上履きとブーツを主体にしておりますが あまり深くお考えにならなくても結構で御座います(笑)・・・・御ゆっくりとお楽しみください・・・

    尚 皆様のご参加を 心よりお待ち申し上げます。楽しいコミュニティの場として 御活用ください。
    ちなみに ♂二人で運営いたしておりますが モデルは(20歳以上の)女の娘です・・・(笑)・・・実写での妄想をお楽しみください・・・

    また ご意見・ご感想・クレーム・賛同・叱咤・激励は 放棄が直接 承りますので ↓ こちらまでお問い合わせください。


    足跡を残されたい時は 下記↓(Link)の 第四掲示板も ご利用ください


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