
かざぶくろ (TOPページヘ)

靴に関するフェティシズムの追求をしております。 ご興味・ご理解のある方は 遊びに来てください。。。


  1. --/--/--(--) --:--:--|
  2. スポンサー広告|
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He moves up and unzips his pants pulling his rock hard hot throbbing shaft from it's covering. He rubs it over her grimacing face leaving a small trail of pre-cum on her cheek. Once across the lips and then he stations himself between her legs and lifts her knees around him as her hips squirm. Slowly he stretches her as he enters her for one last time. He begins to move his hard shaft in and out of her with machine precision. Driving deep into her, her breasts jiggle the fabric of her T-Shirt. One breast covered with almost totally with red wetness, the wet fabric sticking to what remains of her nipple. The other side showing a hard nipple straining to rip through the fabric.

As he drills deep into her, the redness from the two belly wounds slowly meets as her breath becomes raspy and short. He claws into her hips as he raises them and as she takes her last gasp and her eyes dialate and fix on his in an eternal stare, he spews a huge load of hot seman into her now closed sperm vault. He withdraws and wipes himself on the tail of her t-shirt. Robert picks up her jeans and panties and lays them on top of her dead body. Slipping a strong arm under her back and knees he picks up her limp body and carries it to the basement where the incinerator is for the apartment complex. The incinerator is nearly full of trash and he stuffs her body and clothes in with them and closes the door. He then pushes the button on the wall and starts the fire that will fully dispose of her body. Upstairs again, Robert picks up Felicia's purse and takes it to his closet. He pushes open a small hidden door and a concealed compartment opens and he puts the purse with the nine others that line the inside. He may be a dreamer after all, but he is also a collector who likes memorabilia of his dreams.
  1. 2005/08/10(水) 22:59:52|
  2. 上履きアルバム Ⅶ|
  3. トラックバック:0|
  4. コメント:0
<<hang007 | ホーム | hang005>>







  • Author:坂角野ゆかり(♂)
  • このブログは 未成年者にふさわしくない内容、および広告を含んでいます。18才未満の方、および 高校生の方の 閲覧は お断り致します。

    初めまして 当ページの  副支配人の著作権放棄と申します・・・・

    風袋(かざぶくろ)は 放棄の作品を 皆様に ご覧いただく為に開きました・・・・・・・・

    このページは 靴 特に 上履きとブーツを主体にしておりますが あまり深くお考えにならなくても結構で御座います(笑)・・・・御ゆっくりとお楽しみください・・・

    尚 皆様のご参加を 心よりお待ち申し上げます。楽しいコミュニティの場として 御活用ください。
    ちなみに ♂二人で運営いたしておりますが モデルは(20歳以上の)女の娘です・・・(笑)・・・実写での妄想をお楽しみください・・・

    また ご意見・ご感想・クレーム・賛同・叱咤・激励は 放棄が直接 承りますので ↓ こちらまでお問い合わせください。


    足跡を残されたい時は 下記↓(Link)の 第四掲示板も ご利用ください


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